Healthy holiday recipes, tips and ideas


Healthy holiday recipes, tips and ideas

A bowl of hummus made with Nutrilite All Plant Protein Powder surrounded by sliced cucumbers, and red and orange peppers.

Healthy holiday recipes and tips

There’s no denying it, the holidays are upon us. It’s the season of indulgent sweet treats, rich and creamy family favorites and many other culinary creations that are an essential part of the holiday season.

The secret to keep yourself from over-indulging is a bit of moderation and smart substitutions when it makes sense. It’s easier to relish that additional piece of grandma’s fudge when you know you made some sensible decisions to balance it out! Here are a few recipes and suggestions that will help you stay on track.

Dips to die for

Filling, rich and nutrient-packed hummus is a great addition to any party spread. Not only can it come in several varieties, you can eat it with fresh vegetables to ensure your body is getting that key plant nutrition to balance out ALL. THE. CARBS.

We have a few recipes in our archives to consider: roasted red pepper hummus and traditional hummus. They include Nutrilite™ All Plant Protein Powder to make it extra filling, which helps combat mindless snacking.

A bowl of roasted red pepper hummus made with Nutrilite All Plant Protein Powder

Not a fan of tahini, the signature ingredient in hummus? Here’s another recipe that uses dried tomatoes and protein powder for nutrient-filled flavor:

Chickpea and dried tomato dip

Put all the ingredients in a food processor, process until smooth and top with fresh parsley. Serves 6:

  • 1 cup canned chickpeas, drained
  • 2 ½ tablespoons dried tomatoes in oil
  • 2 ½ – 3 tablespoons of water
  • Juice of ½ a lemon
  • 1 scoop of Nutrilite All Plant Protein Powder
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil
  • Pinch of salt

Whole grain snacks like BodyKey Slim Popcorn or BodyKey Whole Grain Tortilla Chips are easy snacks to serve at a party.

Deliver a crunchy snack

Fresh fruits and vegetables are great for delivering a crunch, but sometimes you want that salty goodness of a chip. Good news: Not all salty snacks are going to derail your nutrition goals. There are plenty of better choices out there that can feed your need – just check the labels for their nutritional info.

BodyKey by Nutrilite™ products offer some options that are sure to hit the spot. BodyKey™ Whole Grain Tortilla Chips and BodyKey Zesty Protein Snack can be solo snacks or used as a vehicle for any of your dip and salsa options.

Also, BodyKey Slim Popcorn is lightly salted and can provide a good crunch on its own. But add a few shakes of your favorite seasoning and it will turn it into a whole new snack experience.

Veggie sliders

Grab and go sliders are great choice to add to your buffet. As an alternative to high-fat beef, try your favorite veggie burger recipe on whole grain buns instead.

This chipotle veggie burger recipe uses Nutrilite All Plant Protein Powder and provides just the right kick you and your guests may be looking for. Serve a variety of hot sauces alongside for those who like to push the spice limit.

[RELATED: Learn more about the global collaboration of Nutrilite products.]

Three chocolate covered pumpkin balls on a silver plate. A small pumpkin is visible in the background.

Sweet treats

You should never be afraid to treat yourself to your favorite holiday desserts, but if you want a few options that include more nutrients to help satisfy your sweet tooth, consider some mini-muffin recipes using Nutrilite All Plant Protein Powder.

This banana cranberry pecan muffin recipe is a great example. Make it in mini muffin tins for the perfect serving size.

Or go for these protein-rich pumpkin spice balls. Dip them in chocolate for the perfect combination of holiday sweetness with needed nutrition.

When it comes to satisfying your sweet tooth, portion control is the best strategy. Serve treats in smaller sizes so you can get that sugary goodness without going overboard.

Learn more

Using these and other ways to make smart substitutions whenever possible will help you enjoy your other holiday favorites without worry!

Want to learn more about Nutrilite All Plant Protein and other powdered protein options? Visit Amway™. And to find more recipe suggestions, check out additional blogs here.


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